Cloud Tech Gurus Logo

Streamline Your Sourcing Project

With a Technology Guru

The Smartest Way To Source

Time Savings

Build Scope of Work

Consulting services

10 Hours saved

Research Vendors

Consulting Services

10-20 Hrs saved

Discovery Meetings

Consulting Services

20 Hours saved

Pre-Vet Vendors

Consulting Services

20 Hours saved

Total Time Saved

60+ Hours

F A Q' S

  • How Can This Service Be Free?

    Because our compensation is paid by the vendors.

  • Does This Mean I Pay More?

    No. Our agreements with vendors give us preferred pricing, and in most cases you'll pay less by going through us.

  • Do You Work With Specific Vendors

    Yes and no, we have a very large preferred vendor network however if any of them do not meet your requirements, or satisfaction, we can source virtually any others that do. In other words, you aren't restricted to using the vendors in our marketplace.

Get your project off the ground.

All it takes is one conversation.

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